Kidney Foundation of Canada says health check-up recommended

Posted Mar 24, 2024 11:27 am.
Last Updated May 7, 2024 3:27 pm.
The Kidney Foundation of Canada is raising awareness about getting a check-up amid a desperate need for organ donations.
It’s estimated that 1 in 10 Canadians are living with kidney disease without being aware of it. According to the foundation, until a cure is found, there are two main treatments available: dialysis and transplant, with the latter often being the preferred and most effective solution.
Joyce Van Deurzen, the executive director of the foundation, says kidney disease is a silent killer.
Because many have kidney disease without knowing, she says it’s key to go for that annual physical.
“You can develop advanced kidney disease before any real symptoms appear. That’s why it’s really important to … go for your annual health checkup,” she told CityNews.
While diabetes is the leading cause of kidney failure if you don’t have a known health issue, there are several risk factors for kidney disease, like a family history of the issue or high blood pressure.
“Things like change in your urine. If it becomes cloudy, you might notice that and get it looked at right away. If you have a long history of urinary tract infections, kidney stones, anything like that you should really be paying attention,” Van Deurzen said.
The organization’s main fundraiser, which also helps raise awareness, is the Kidney March coming up in September.
You can find out more about your risk at