Calgary Food Bank continues to see high demand despite lowering inflation

If you can help out the Calgary Food Bank with either a food or cash donation, it would go a long way.

Despite inflation numbers slightly cooling, CEO Melissa From says the local charity is serving up to 700 families per day.

“I love that were seeing those inflation numbers starting come down but the reality is, there really is no such thing as coming down because once those numbers are up, they stay up,” she said.


WATCH: Calgary’s inflation rate highest in the country

From adds that a rising number of those asking for support are employed.

“Where that used to be a very small percentage of users of the Calgary Food Bank, we’re now seeing those numbers climb north of 20, 25 per cent of Calgary Food Bank users and what we’re seeing just really speaks to that cost of living crisis that we’re seeing and folks, by all intents and purposes, are doing everything right,” she said.

From says the food bank is experiencing unprecedented demand, and is always looking for items like fresh vegetables and fruit, protein, and soups.

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“The best way that people can help us as individuals is through financial contributions,” she said. “For every dollar donated to the Calgary Food Bank, we can distribute $3.50 worth of food.”

Alberta ranked poorly by Food Banks Canada

Alberta is getting a failing grade when it comes to combatting poverty.

Food Banks Canada is out with its latest poverty report cards, on which the province got a D-minus.

Many other provinces in the country are also failing.


CEO Kirsten Beard told Know You Know with Rob Snow, people are struggling even more than last year.

“Things were bad last year at food banks and I think some of us were hopeful that that was going to be a turning point but unfortunately, we saw 44 per cent of people are feeling worse off than they did last year,” she said.

The report says one-quarter of Canadians report being food insecure and about half of Albertans surveyed say they feel worse of than they did last year.

Almost 35 per cent say they’re spending over 30 per cent of their income on housing, while about 30 per cent are experiencing an inadequate standard of living, and 14 per cent report a severely inadequate standard of living.

Those looking for more information on how to help can visit