Have you seen posters around Calgary advertising illegal drugs for sale?

Posted May 24, 2024 2:25 pm.
Last Updated May 24, 2024 2:26 pm.
Have you seen posters around Calgary advertising drugs for sale? If the answer is yes, you’re not alone.
These posters promote the sale of a variety of drugs such as MDMA, DMT, and ketamine.
All people need to do is scan the barcode which will take them to a website where purchases can be made to have items shipped to the buyer’s address.
Despite how easy it is, police say it is still very illegal, and Sgt. Lon Brewester with the Calgary Police Service (CPS) drug unit says the supply is definitely not safe.
“We’re seeing more and more of these websites pop up and they’re very well done, they’re very professional, they look almost legitimate, dare I say,” he said. “But, at the end of the day they’re still trafficking an illicit drug.”
Brewster says these posters aren’t anything new, and the process in which CPS handles them involves a lot of different agencies.
“We’ve worked with the Lower Mainland, we’ve worked with some of the agencies out in Ontario as well, trying to kind of connect those dots through standard investigative techniques through some of our members here with the CPS trying to track back to where they are originating, but it does prove difficult for sure,” he said.
Police are actively looking at putting a stop to this online drug trade, as dealers continue to find unique ways to reach clientele.
“They’re getting much more into that sort of mail order, online capacity with the drug trade,” Brewster said. “It does prove to be challenging at times, for sure.”
Brewster says law enforcement agencies in Calgary, across the country, and even across North America are working together to put a halt to the online drug trade, or at the very least, propose solutions.
He says this includes successful prosecution and continuing to advocate for bail reform penalities “for those who continue to prey on our vulnerable population.”
Back in February, a man was arrested after a lengthy investigation for handing out free samples of cocaine attached to business cards at a local casino.