1 more wire snap found as Calgary Stage 1 water restrictions continue

The City of Calgary says another wire snap has been found, bringing the total to eight, and says Stage 1 restrictions will remain in place as crews investigate.

Nancy MacKay, the director of Water Services for the city, says the system in connection with the Bearspaw South Feeder Main is performing well, but the snap was in a different area from the ones found on Thursday.

She says the wire snap is not a sign that a feeder main break is imminent.

“We want to do some further investigation before we make any additional changes to our system or to water restrictions. We will continue to investigate and closely monitor throughout the weekend,” Mackay said.

Watch: Calgary’s feeder main sees three additional wire snaps

She also says the city got the initial results of the pipe diver and says the analysis will take several days.

“While this analysis continues and in light of the wire snaps on Thursday and Friday, we will leave Stage 1 outdoor water restrictions in place,” MacKay said.

Stage 1 allows for the use of sprinklers, soaker hoses, or in-ground sprinkler systems up to two hours a week on specific days; even house numbers can water on Wednesdays or Saturdays, and odd house numbers can water on Thursdays or Sundays.

Calgarians used 593 million litres of water on Friday.

More information on Stage 1 water restrictions can be found here.

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