Calgary remains in Stage 1 restrictions as crews find additional wire snap along feeder main

The city says stage one remains in place as another wire snap was detected over the weekend with crews determining how the pipes are handling the pressure.

Officials say current water restriction will remain for the time being after crews found another wire snap along Calgary’s feeder main that ruptured nearly two months ago.

In a Monday afternoon update, Water Services Director Nancy Mackay says Stage 1 outdoor restrictions will remain as they continue to monitor how the Bearspaw South feeder main is handling increased pressure.

“While things are stable today, we did detect another wire snap within the feeder main on Sunday afternoon,” Mackay says. “These wire snaps are helping us better understand how the feeder main is responding to pressure.”

Since last Thursday, crews have detected six new wire snaps along the feeder main that burst open on June 5. Officials have continually said the snaps are not a sign that another break is imminent.

The city is still waiting for results from analysis of an electronic pipe diving device that sent data back last Friday after being deployed earlier in the month. The diver can study areas that couldn’t be reached during the initial inspection of the pipe.

“We will be staying in Stage 1 water restrictions for the time being, until more information is available,” Mackay says.

Stage 1 allows for the use of sprinklers, soaker hoses, or in-ground sprinkler systems up to two hours a week on specific days; even house numbers can water on Wednesdays or Saturdays, and odd house numbers can water on Thursdays or Sundays.

Mackay said the latest water usage numbers show residents are doing a good job of only watering their lawns on the days permitted under the current restrictions. she added that having Calgarians adhere to the Stage 1 schedule allows the city to refill underground reservoirs on non-watering days.

The city used 649 million litres of water on Sunday, close to what was projected.

A full list of Stage 1 restrictions can be found here.

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