Calgary recycling depots closing ahead of schedule due to budget cuts

CALGARY (660 NEWS)–The City of Calgary is closing some community recycling depots sooner than expected, to help save money.

Eight of the facilities will be shut down on October 21 as part of $60 Million in budget cuts aimed at giving Calgary businesses a tax break.

Elias Tomaras, Waste Diversion Specialist, said it should save about $500,000 annually.

“So, there would still be 18 that will still be open after the closures that are happening at the end of this month. If anyone still does need to access a community recycling depot for any particular reason, they still will be available.”

The City of Calgary has been slowly phasing out the facilities ever since launching curbside recycling, but decided to fast track the closures slated for next year.

Since the blue cart program was launched there has been a steady decline in demand, over the past decade, at community recycling centres.

Here’s the full list of depots, including those being closed.


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