Motion to investigate Magliocca’s expenses passes unanimously

CALGARY (660 NEWS) – City Council has passed a motion calling for an investigation of Councillor Joe Magliocca’s expenses.

The motion passed by a vote of 14-0, with Magliocca absent after he recused himself from the vote.

Before leaving council chambers Magliocca said he was in favour of the investigation, hoping it’ll either show his expenses are in line with council policy or what needs to be changed.

Fellow councillor Jyoti Gondek, who drafted an original motion calling for the probe, was also in favour.

“We are trying to be open and transparent with the people that we serve and that’s the residents of Calgary. This notice of motion is promoting those principles in a way that’s independent.”

Before the council meeting began, Magliocca issued another apology to his Facebook page vowing to repay all alcohol-related expenses since 2017.


Magliocca also posted all his receipts from 2017 and 2018 to his official website and called on other councillors to do the same.

“I ask that the mayor and all councillors follow my lead in transparency and responsibility and publicly post detailed receipts of all expenditures including their staff and travel expenses.”

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