Net result of Tsu T’ina wild dog round-up: one canine

They might have had better luck capturing a sasquatch or Ogopogo from Okanagan Lake.

A much publicized effort to round up wild dogs Saturday on the Tsu T’ina First Nation ended with just one dog being trapped.

Before the one-day campaign, band members were warned to secure their pets before volunteers began scouring the area for feral canines.


The program was done in conjunction with ARF, the Animal Rescue Foundation, which planned to treat any strays for health issues, spay or neuter them and then find homes for the animals.

Wild dogs have become a growing safety concern on reserves across the country, although it’s not known how many feral dogs are roaming the Tsu T’ina First Nation.

Despite the fact the effort netted only one wild pooch, Tsu T’ina spokesman Cam Hantiuk tells the Calgary Herald it’s hoped the exercise will be a model for possible future efforts on southwest Calgary reserve.