Backpacks, books and big smiles for back to school in Calgary

Many parents have been waiting for it all summer and now it’s finally here — the first day of school!

Parents spent Tuesday morning dropping their kids off at schools across the city while teachers arrived to get ready to enlighten young minds.

There was a lot of laughter and excitement as kids arrived at the Chinook Park School playground to find their new classes.


Jack gleefully told 660 NEWS, his first day of Grade 1 outfit was picked out by his mom.

Bryn also picked out a couple new things for his debut in Grade 5.

“I got shoes and a few pencils, and that’s it, pretty much,” he said.

Bryn’s mom, Jo Williams says there’s quite a bit of prep for the big day.

“The first day of school is sort of akin to a new year, so there’s lots of getting ready and the kids are always very excited to see their friends,” she said.


There are about 2500 new students entering the public school board this year, and Principal Zoe Serediuk says they’ve been busy.

“You know, we actually did have quite a few new students, which we we’re surprised about, so we’ve done quite a few registrations in the last just couple of days,” she said.

Approximately 117,000 kids are returning this year to Calgary Board of Education schools, but the final count won’t be in until September.