Calgary Humane Society hosts Christmas for the Animals

CALGARY (660 NEWS) — This Christmas, don’t forget about the furry friends at the Calgary Humane Society.

They’re hosting their annual Christmas for the Animals on Saturday and kicking off their ‘Stuff-a-Pooch-Pad Campaign’.

The shelter has a goal of collecting donations from the public to stuff their pooch pad so the animals in their care have a special something on Christmas morning.


“We’re inviting the public to come in and bring with them a toy, treat or food donation and then stay and enjoy some games, crafts and we’ve got some animal visits,” said Sage Pullen McIntosh, Senior Manager of Communications and Community Relations with the humane society.

The event is at the shelter on 110th Ave, S.E. from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

There is an itemized wishlist on the humane society’s website.

Donations will be accepted until Dec. 19.