Local comedian says COVID-19 is no joke

CALGARY (660 NEWS) – A local comedian is apologetic after an outbreak of COVID-19 at his recent comedy festival.

Stu Hughes runs the FunnyFest Calgary Comedy Festival, but he says the final night of the laugh-fest wasn’t so funny.

“Seems like everyone got it at once at the final show because Alberta Health Services brought the lockdown in. Everyone else had mild symptoms and recovered very quickly.”


“I was the only one who had 11 days with the bad condition.”

Hughes says his case was particularly bad and ended up with him in hospital.

“It happened so quickly. What the scary part was is one moment I was 100 per cent, and the next moment I felt like it was over. Seven days with a fever and the ninth day I said enough is enough and went to the hospital.”

“They found COVID pneumonia and therapy got really aggressive right then. It saved my life.”

Hughes admits that after producing shows throughout the year with no problems he became a bit complacent.


As for future shows, he says they will “doubling down” on COVID-19 safety protocols.