Alberta natural gas rebate to take effect on utility bills in October

More help is on the way this fall for Albertans dealing with high energy bills.

Provincial rebates will start appearing next month.

And the province has now detailed its natural gas rebate program that will take effect this fall.

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If the price of natural gas goes above $6.50 a gigajoule, the government will automatically cover the cost of any gas used above that rate.

And there’s no need to sign up as the rebates will be automatically applied to the bills of natural gas consumers.

The province believes it will benefit around 1.6 million in homes, farms, and businesses.

“We are stepping up to provide more and more relief for Albertans as prices remain high. This rebate will provide price protection for millions of Albertans using natural gas, kerosene, propane, and other fuels next winter. It will help families, farms, and businesses manage high heating costs in the upcoming winter to keep life affordable in Alberta,” said Dale Nally, Associate Minister of Natural Gas and Electricity

The plan will go into effect on Oct. 1 and run through to March 2023.

For Albertans who use other fuels to heat their home, like heating oil or propane, there will be a rebate program as well, but consumers will need to apply to get their money back.

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