Calgary archers shooting their shot at new facility

A new archery centre in Calgary is expanding the sport in the city. Danina Falkenberg visits the range and finds out how important it is to a local club.

By Danina Falkenberg

Archers and aspiring archers now have a new place to shoot bows in Calgary, after a gap was left in the archery community when a local facility shut down.

Archery World has been open for about a month in the city.

Anna Gedolick calls herself a “hunter with training wheels,” new to hunting with friends she decided to try archery.

“A few weeks ago, I just like picked up a bow and like bought it brand new and came here and just googled it in the area and ended up coming here and I’ve been here pretty much since the day it opened,” she said.

Archery World manager Railey Muttall has been into archery herself for about five years and says the sport needs more woman and youth.

“We want this facility to be as welcoming as possible doesn’t matter what age who you are we want everybody to enjoy,” she said.

Although Calgary archers in the city may have found another place to shoot, the Calgary Archers Club had no place for their junior program since the shutdown of the Calgary Archery Centre, and now with the new facility the program will have a home again.

“We had so many great relationships with the kids, the kids got to learn so many skills both in archery and for life so to know that this program is finally going to get back and get back on it’s feet is just wonderful,” said Lindsay Struthers, junior program director with the club.

She said she is excited for the working relationship the club will have with the new facility.

And, Gedolick will continue to practice her newfound archer skills.

“Hopefully I can get my draw weight to 40lbs so I can go hunting in a few weeks,” she said.

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