Calgary police undercover operation leads to 212 charges

Calgary police say an operation of undercover cops at CTrain stations has led to more than 200 criminal charges against 27 people.

“At the recent townhall meeting held in the community of Marlborough, we heard Calgarians voice their concerns over increased violence and drug use at Calgary CTrain stations. Our expectation is that public spaces remain safe for those that are using them for their intended purpose,” Acting Inspector Lee Wayne said in a statement. “With the help of various teams and units within the CPS, and Transit Public Safety, we were able to successfully apprehend these individuals and hold them accountable for not only their crimes, but for putting our communities at risk.

“Our officers lead with support and compassion, but make no mistake, enforcement is a critical component of the equation to public safety.”

Calgary’s Drug Undercover Street Team (DUST), the District 4 Community Engagement and Response Team (CERT), and transit public safety operators were placed at CTrain stations with the highest level of crime and disorder, according to police.

They say the purpose of the undercover operation was to find and disrupt drug trafficking by arresting traffickers and imposing release conditions that might stop drug-related crimes from continuing.

From Tues. Nov. 28 to Friday, Dec. 8, police were at Marlborough, City Hall, Chinook, Rundle, Eighth Street, Sunalta, Whitehorn, Westbrook, and Heritage stations, according to police.

During that time, there were 40 undercover drug purchases involving 27 alleged drug traffickers who are now facing 212 criminal charges.

Police seized one axe, 15 knives, five cans of bear spray, three batons, and two Airsoft pistols throughout the two week operation.

Recognizing some of the vulnerable persons using the CTrain stations suffer from addiction, the second phase of the operation involved providing outreach to this community, police say.

Members of the District 4 Community Resource Team and transit public safety officers worked with Alberta Health Services and the crisis team to engage these individuals and provide access and contact information to organizations that provide shelter, treatment, and employment.

Police say in some cases, individuals were transported to some agencies and hospitals for support.

“Our community outreach team consists of transit peace officers and outreach workers from the Alpha House. Once the policing operations focused on illegal drugs was complete, this team coordinated with the CPS to help people who are struggling with addictions and to assist them in connecting with available resources,” deputy chief of transit public safety, Marcia Gonder, said. “The community outreach team can do this because they are well-known and trusted in the community.

“Their constant presence on the transit system has enabled them to establish relationships and develop an insight into the challenges faced by those who would benefit from their assistance.”

Police say investigations into these matters are ongoing.

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