City to fund $28 million Calgary Police budget shortfall, citing end of photo radar

Posted Mar 19, 2025 7:52 am.
Calgary city council is moving to address a multi-million-dollar gap in its police budget thanks to changes to photo radar in Alberta.
In a unanimous vote by Tuesday, council gave the green light for the projected $28 million shortfall to be covered by the city’s reserves.
But, some on council expressed concerns.
“I’ve seen more officers sitting on the side of highways, trying to stay safe themselves while slowing traffic down, watching ridiculous drivers whip past them at — I would estimate — probably 140, 150 [km/h],” said Coun. Jennifer Wyness. “We’re not improving the safety for anyone in this equation with the removal of photo radar.”
Council also approved city staff’s recommendation to remove fine revenue from the police budget as soon as it’s practical.
Coun. Jasmine Mian voted to approve the motion, despite having reservations.
“By moving away from using fine revenue in the police budget, essentially we’re just having law-abiding citizens compensate more for those who are breaking the law and I just don’t agree with that,” she said.
The massive money injection was called for by city staff, who said there’s been less money coming in from tickets which would ultimately have an impact on police services.
The city says actual shortfall numbers won’t be known until the year’s end.
As of April 1, photo radar will only be allowed in school zones, playground zones, and construction zones.
Alberta has repeatedly said it believes photo radar was being used as a cash grab and not for protecting citizens.
However, it has left the door open for the return of photo radar in some areas.
Calgary is hoping to have exceptions made for some of it’s high risk areas as soon as the province opens the application process.