RCMP urge Albertans to slow down as spring weather arrives

Alberta mounties are reminding residents of the dangers of speeding as snow melts and the roads become clear.

According to Alberta Transportation, one in four fatal collisions involve unsafe speed, with over half of them happening in rural communities.

“Excessive speed shows a pattern that has a relationship to clear roads, good weather, and typically occurring at peak travel times for families,” says Sgt. Darrin Turnbull in an Alberta RCMP release. “Sadly, speeding is a common traffic violation among drivers, and one of the most threatening to traffic safety.”

Last year the RCMP issued over 60,000 speeding tickets, of which 761 were for speeding 50 km/h or more over the speed limit.

April often sees the highest number of speeding offences, and 2023 was not different, with 93 excessive speeding violations handed out.

Police are urging drivers to add lots of time to their commute and respect speed limits, especially in school zones.

RCMP are out with the following tips to ensure traffic safety:

  • Leave early – don’t rush. Unsafe speeds increase the risk of collision and serious injury. Allowing yourself extra time to get to your destination helps you to avoid feeling rushed.
  • Respect posted speed limits, especially in school or playground and construction zones. These areas often have high pedestrian traffic – you must slow down.
  • Speeding isn’t just driving beyond posted legal speed limits, but also driving too fast for weather, road, and traffic conditions.
  • If you are a passenger in a speeding vehicle, speak up. Take your life out of the driver’s hands.

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