Cougar sightings in Calgary’s Fish Creek Park prompt warning

A warning has been issued after reports of a young cougar roaming in Calgary’s Fish Creek Provincial Park.

A warning has been issued after reports of a young cougar roaming in Calgary’s Fish Creek Provincial Park.

Alberta Parks posted the advisory on Tuesday saying there have been several sightings of the juvenile cougar in the west end of the park.

The warning affects areas of the park west of Macleod Trail, including Votier’s Flats, Bebo Grove, Shannon Terrace and Marshall Springs, where yellow signs have been put up advising park users of a cougar in the area.


“(They are) mostly just precautionary to make sure that people are aware,” says Calgary Fish and Wildlife officer Scott Kallweit. “In any of the green spaces in Calgary there is always a chance that you could encounter anything from a coyote, bobcat, cougar, or bears.”

Kallweit says often when cougars are seen in more heavily populated areas it is because young animals have left their mother and are trying to find new territory away from “more established cougars.”

“Sometimes that means they are coming into these less desired areas where we don’t want them.”

Alberta Parks is out with some tips people can use to avoid a surprise encounter with the large cats:

Earlier this month, a family who lives near Spruce Meadows had a close encounter with a cougar that left one of their pets dead and another missing.


“Where we see the most conflict with cougars is with pets,” says Kallweit. “A cougar living out in rural Alberta is going to look for easy food sources. Unfortunately that means sometimes our domestic dogs and domestic cats are easy food sources.”

Residents are being asked to report any cougar sightings to 403-591-7755.