Protestors frustrate some Inglewood small business owners

Posted Nov 18, 2021 8:43 pm.
A small business owner in Inglewood is concerned that anti-COVID restriction protestors could be discouraging customers in her community.
“I’ve heard that people who are heading west in Inglewood on 9 Ave. go out of their way to avoid (protestors),” said Sarah Elder-Chamanara, the owner of Madame Premier.
Protestors have gathered at the corner of 9 Ave. and 11 St. SE for weeks, and Elder-Chamanara says it recently moved from the sidewalk – into the parking lot on the corner.
“Calgary Parking Authority, as I understand, felt like they would give them that entire parking lot to move them off of the sidewalk, but that just means that they would expand in number and size.”
The CPA denies issuing any permit or accommodation for the events, saying in a statement to CityNews:
“It was previously proposed that PARK PARK be temporarily closed ahead of a potential event to ensure customers would not be stranded in the lot and to protect the safety of patrons and the public.
“However, feedback from surrounding businesses has been clear that this closure would have an unacceptable impact on law-abiding businesses and the decision has been made that the lot will not be closed ahead of these events. Closure of the parking lot was never intended to accommodate protesters or enable the event to take place.”
However, when CityNews drove by the area, protestors were lining the edges of the parking lot, complete with fire pits and lawn chairs.
For small businesses in Inglewood, easy parking and a hospitable environment are both key to bringing people to the area, through the door, and keeping the doors open.
“I think it’s important to share the fact there is a protest in Inglewood,” said Elder-Chamanara. “That being said, I don’t want people to be deterred by it, it might just mean parking may take a few extra minutes, or depending on how you feel about your own personal safety, avoid that area.”
The business community has been doing everything to attract people to the area, from car-free Sundays in the summer, to late Friday night shopping and Christmas events kicking off this week.
“This is a community of really small and independent businesses and your support really means a lot.”