Calgary’s 2022 Stampede Princess crowned

Posted Apr 14, 2022 2:39 pm.
The Calgary Stampede has crowned 24-year-old Jenna Peters as Princess.
Peters won the crown after a three-week contest including public speaking, horsemanship and personal interviews, where she rose to the top of a tight field of talented competitors.
“It feels amazing,” Peters said. “It’s been a long journey and I feel honoured to be recognized amongst this incredible group of women that I competed with. I’m very much looking forward to the months ahead!”
Congratulations to the 2022 Calgary Stampede Princess, Jenna Peters! A lover of horses and the outdoors, she looks forward to sharing western culture with the community and being an ambassador for the Calgary Stampede.
Welcome to the Stampede Family, Jenna!
— Calgary Stampede (@calgarystampede) April 14, 2022
According to a statement from the Stampede, Peters works in the energy industry and in her spare time enjoys competing in Cowboy Challenge events, trail riding, and outdoor activities. She is also a former Stampede Showrider, and feels that her involvement in Stampede when she was younger had an impact on her life.
She says she is excited to inspire others through her role as the 2022 Stampede Princess and feels this is a once-in-a-lifetime experience.
The newly crowned First Nations Princess, Sikapinakii Low Horn, will be joined by Peters as 2022 Stampede Royalty. They will represent the Stampede by attending hundreds of events as ambassadors, sharing and celebrating western heritage, cultures and community spirit. Stampede says its Royalty not only serve their community, but they also benefit from professional and personal development through support, guidance, expert coaching, and mentorship from their dedicated committees.
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“We are excited to have Jenna Peters as our 2022 Calgary Stampede Princess. We look forward to watching her learn and grow while representing the Calgary Stampede,” said Chris Gerritsen, Chair of the Calgary Stampede Royalty Committee. “The Royalty Committee thanks all the competitors who stepped forward and worked hard to compete for the title, all our judges who gave their time and talent to adjudicate the competition, and our committee who are tireless in their commitment to this vital element of Stampede.”
The crowning of the 2022 Calgary Stampede Princess happened on Wednesday, during a private event at Stampede Park where 2020/2021 Stampede Queen Kelcey Moore and Princess Janelle Mackenzie passed the crown to Jenna Peters.