‘Significant representation from Alberta’ in Canadian UFO sightings

Canadian author Chris Rutkowski says Alberta “holds its own” in unidentified flying object (UFO) sightings when compared to other provinces in Canada with larger populations.

“There have been a number of interesting cases over the years in Alberta, ranging from the first crop circles in North America in 1967, to more recent sightings of lights in the sky,” Rutkowski said. “There has been significant representation from Alberta.”

Rutkowski, who has been studying UFO sightings for years, says it’s usually areas with higher populations that report higher numbers of UFOs in the sky.

“It is related to population, the places with the larger population have the most people around who might be able to see UFOs,” Rutkowski said. “Alberta ranks certainly not at the top, but not at the bottom either.”

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Rutkowski says the COVID-19 pandemic had an impact on UFO sightings in Alberta, although he’s hesitant to attribute it to any one particular reason.

“Alberta for example, in 2020 there was something like 150 UFO reports filed, in 2021 the number went down to about 75, so the pandemic had an affect of some sort, but why and how? We’re not actually sure,” Rutkowski said.

Rutkowski says there is no debate that UFOs or unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) exist, there are several official records of sightings from Canadian and U.S. authorities.

“There is somewhere between 750 and 1,000 reports every year in Canada alone. Most can be explained, but there is always a residual amount that can’t be explained easily anyways,” he said.

“We do get reports every year from pilots, police, air traffic control, operators and so forth — people with very good observing capabilities and with reputations on the line. And these are actually filed through official government agencies such as Transport Canada and National Defence.”

While many consider the idea of UFOs trivial or amusing, Rutkowski says it’s something that shouldn’t be dismissed.

“Official agencies are taking these things seriously, more and more politicians are speaking out about incursions over Canadian airspace, so I think it’s time to take this a little more seriously,” Rutkowski said.

The debate around UFOs, according to Rutkowski, is whether or not the mysterious flying phenomena exist, but rather, where they come from.

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He explains that while most folks associate UFOs with aliens or extra-terrestrial beings, it’s far more likely they can be attributed to “drones or attempts to conduct operations in our airspace.”

While it may be fun for some to ponder the true reasons behind UFOs in the sky, Rutkowski says it’s unlikely that we’re living in a world reminiscent of a Hollywood movie such as Nope.

“There could be a natural phenomena, there could be many other reasons,” he said. “I mean, aliens is a possibility. As astronomers know, there are so many planets out there that it’s likely that some of them have extra-terrestrial life, but the trouble is, getting here from there is very, very difficult.”

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